First of all, it wasn’t really dreary. But it was partly cloudy all day. No rain. A bit on the cool side (about 20 degrees).
After sleeping in a bit (I missed most of Fareed Zakaria, which started at 7am) we had our morning coffee and watched our Sunday morning shows. No NFL today — well, there is the Pro Bowl tonight, but other than the fact that Koop and his family are at the game, I really have no interest in that. But Bob Costas was on Reliable Sources, so that was cool. French toast with fruit and peanut butter for breakfast.

After breakfast we got on our bikes and cycled the 2 miles to the big “College of the Desert Flea Market” just around the corner from our country club. Apparently it’s not as busy on Sunday as it is on Saturday. That was okay by us. It looked like it was about the same size as the Mesa market we’d visited a few times the past two winters. And it had mostly the same kind of stuff. Plus fruits and vegetables. Came home with a package of dates. That’s it. But it was a good thing to do — got us out into the fresh air and gave us a good overview of what it was all about.

We came home and had lunch. Then it was time to head out to Palm Springs — our first visit to that end of the valley. We’d booked ( tee times at the Mesquite Golf Club for just after 1pm. The course is close to the Palm Springs Airport. Nice enough course. Long fairways, small greens, lots of open space, not too much water, not too busy. We got on just about as soon we arrived. Nobody behind us. Three guys ahead played at a good pace.

It was a bit cool, but when the sun peeked through the clouds it was actually very nice. We played for about 4 hours, and finished all 18 holes. When we were done we drove around a bit before heading home. Stopped to pick up some more St Pauli Girl from Albertson’s on the way.
Delicious leftovers for supper. Then we settled into our usual places and watched a bit of TV. The Pro Bowl. An interview with Barack and Hillary on 60Minutes. A bit of reading. A good evening, after a good afternoon, after a good morning.

And THAT’S how you make the most of a dreary day in the valley.
Bonus photos: Here are a few photos from Max’s second photo shoot (David Klassen, photographer).
- A happy boy, with his little wooden personalized bench.
- Pleased to be sitting in Dad’s chair.
- Okay, I’m sick and tired of smiling at the camera already!