I got up at 7; Sue slept an extra half hour because she had a few hours at night without sleep — she blamed it on ‘that rich food’ she had for supper last night. We had scrambled eggs and the last of our nice ground coffee for breakfast. The winds were still blowing pretty good — maybe the weather man was finally reading the same forecast we were.
We spent the morning at home. We’d been looking for accommodations for us for the last week of February, after Robert and Arlene leave for home and before our final month back here in Cape Town, but nothing seemed to be working out for us. We’d phoned and emailed a number of places, but no one had availability for the dates we needed. So this morning, after some discussion, we decided to email Peter and see if we couldn’t just come back to our apartment here for the last week of February. Why not? We’ve come to like it here quite a lot and it would be so convenient for us if we could just leave some of our stuff here while we go to Namibia a week from now.
Mid-afternoon we ventured out. We ended up at the V&A Waterfront and had a nice big coffee and some mini-doughnuts at the Mug & Bean shop there. There was a big luxury yacht moored just outside — we went to take a closer look.The boat’s name was Vava II, from Georgetown, in the Cayman Islands.

There was a helicopter on top of the boat, and very fancy glass windows and staircases. Apparently it has a variable depth swimming pool too! I looked it up when we got back to the apartment — the yacht cost 160 million dollars to build!
We picked up supper fixings at ‘Woolies’ on our way home. In the mean time we’d heard back from Peter — we’re all set to stay here at his apartment for the extra week as well. That was good news — no more hunting for B&Bs for the end of February.
After supper we watched a bit of news on TV. Sue read and I worked on the computer for a bit. Well, actually I had a bit of a nap first. We went to bed by midnight — we’ve got to get up early tomorrow for our Thursday morning golf game back at Rondebosch.