Our new home in Rancho Mirage

We woke up in our hotel room in Temecula. Woke up at around 6. Read for an hour or two. Finished my book, Prisoner of Tehran, by Marina Nemat. A terrible story and a great read. We went down for breakfast and Sue had oatmeal and I had (too much) scrambled eggs and sausages. Plus yoghurt. And coffee. We checked out and headed back for home via the same great route — the Palms to Pines Highway. ride-home-from-temeculaSue thought the scenery was even better going east than it had been going west yesterday. More light and shadows. And of course the moment you crest the big hill and see the valley below, with the desert cities stretching out along the valley and the winding road leading you down the mountain into that valley — stunning.
We got to our new house in the Victoria Falls development at around 11:00. We parked in the garage and went in. Disarmed the alarm — that is going to take a bit of getting used to. Walked around again. The back yard was all lit up in sunshine. It was just over 80 degrees. The pool and fountain next to it warm running. We walked around a bit. And then the doorbell rang. What? It was Teddy, the owner. Oh boy, what now? He had lost our cheques. He couldn’t find them anywhere. He looked around a bit more but nothing. We told him we didn’t have any more blanks but could possibly get some mailed out. Sue started to unpack as soon as Teddy was gone. I got my big computer unpacked and set up in the bedroom. Then I logged on with all our devices so we were on the network. Sue started cleaning the kitchen.
We had lunch outside in our gazebo at around 1. Sandwiches and cold beers. Sue checked her email — phone calls from Michele — not to worry about the cheques, Teddy found them. Whew!
After lunch Sue got that cleaning machine going some more. The fridge! The cupboards! They sure have LOTS of cleaning supplies here. Most of it is still unopened and in the package. Sue opined that cupboards full of cleaning products don’t really work without a bit of elbow grease.
By 3:30 it was time to take a break. Happy hour outside in the backyard.
We ordered pizza from Domino’s at around 6 and I went to pick it up. We had supper and then sat down to watch our shows. Went to bed a little after 11pm.