Visitors to Rancho Mirage

Spent most of the morning cleaning. We wiped down most of the kitchen and vacuumed a bit. Then at around 11 we went shopping. Two stops: Costco and Ralph’s. So now our fridge is stocked for the month. When we got back to our house Sue went outside and sat in her lounger, trying to get a bit of afternoon sun and read on the Kindle. sue-in-gazeboAnd it looks like all our efforts to find a place with a ‘sunny’ backyard have paid off — our-poolwe have lots of sun in our backyard, in the morning and all afternoon too. I was downloading some music. Then the phone rang — it’s Naomi and Mary and Boston’s sister Simpson. They’are at the entry gate on Ginger Rodgers drive. Coming by for supper and an overnight! I hopped on my bike and cycled to the gate to let them in. When we got back to the house Sue had cheese and crackers and freshly-squeezed lemonade ready for us outside in the backyard. The girls had gone to San Diego for a couple of days (from Simpson’s house in Chandler, AZ) and were on their way back home.

mary-and-simpson-and-sue naomi
They’ll spend the night here and head for home tomorrow. Sue made a great supper for us. Mary got on the phone for an hour, Naomi on her iPad. After supper we visited and watched a hockey game on TV. By 11 it was time to retire for the night. Mary especially was tired — got a bit too much sun today at the beach in San Diego.