Rainy Morning in GC

It poured at night! and it was still raining in the morning when I got up. We hadn’t seen that here in Gold Canyon since we got here four weeks ago. Well, that really put a ‘damper’ on my plans for the day! Now I would have to read my book INSIDE.

After breakfast I spent most of the morning NOT reading — but instead I went through all the channels on our Shaw box and made a bit of a TV guide for us. Sue was sorely missing her buddy Charlie Rose. It turns out that Charlie may only be available on a PBS EAST channel, meaning he’ll be on WAY past our bedtime! A good thing I have hooked up my ‘aerial’, where we get a Tucson PBS channel which airs Charlie Rose at 5pm most weekdays — so he’ll be able to join us for happy hour.

After lunch we drove to Santan Village — we were out of coffee beans and needed to make another visit to Costco. Sue had another shopping list so we spent the afternoon at the big outdoor shopping center. We headed home at around 5. I’d been roped into trying a new brand of gin by the salesman at the Total Wine store, so we set up a little ‘taste test’ when we got home — and proved that I had indeed been ‘roped in’. Oh well.

Xmas LightsAfter we finished our G&Ts we had to hurry to get to Ed and Val’s for our 6pm supper date. Along the way we got a little side-tracked by all the Christmas decorations and lights out on Sandtrap Road! Wow! People are nuts here. Frosty the Snowman and icicle lights hanging from the eaves — Gold Canyon hardly knows what RAIN is, never mind snow. Even the bright almost-full moon looked dull hanging out overhead on this street!

Xmas LightsLyle and Carly, who are visiting the Peters this week, made supper. Well, Carly had a terrible cold and apparently Lyle did most of the cooking. Indian food. Delicious. We ate a lot and had a nice visit. The Peters family was planning to go see the Grand Canyon tomorrow. They were going to leave quite early so we said goodnight at around 9:30.

I caught the last 5 minutes of the Cowboys-Bears game when we got home. Sue went to bed early — trying her best to catch up on all the hours of sleep she missed the night before. I watched the news and the late night talk shows and managed to stay up until 1:00. Making progress on that front!