
I woke up just after 7:00. Shoot! my Sunday shows were already on. It took a few minutes for the TV box to get itself configured so I could watch my shows. I got it eventually and sat in bed watching TV for a while before getting up.

I showered and made my morning coffee. Bacon and eggs for breakfast again. It was good to see an interview with John Prine on CBS Sunday Morning. On CNN, Fareed did another hour-long show about the gun issue in the US. And of course NBC and Fox and ABC all covered the week in Trumpy news. 

I FaceTimed with Ed and Val and we arranged a visit for later this week. 

In the afternoon I got in the van and went out for a ride. Then, at around 4:30, I went to see another movie, “Green Book”. With all the time I’ve spent in movie theatres in the last couple of weeks, I had seen the preview for it many times. I really prefer seeing a movie where I know NOTHING about it — no previews, no reviews, no interviews with the actors on late night TV. Too much hype and the actual movie can be a disappointment. But this movie actually exceeded my expectations. 

When I got home I was going to watch the Grey Cup game, but the game was already in the 4th quarter and the outcome was not in question. But there was a Vikings game on Sunday Night Football, so I watched that instead. I finished another tough crossword puzzle before heading off to bed.